Flirting In French: 67 Flirty, dirty & cheesy French pick-up lines

Master the art of flirting in French with these cheeky, cheesy and dirty French pick-up lines translated from French to English for you.

By Annie André ⦿ updated January 10, 2024  
Basic cheesy French pick up lines
Basic cheesy French pick up lines

“Salut gorgeous, come here often?”

If you’re interested in learning some French pickup lines, you’ve come to the right place. 

Although the French language might be the poster child for elegance, love and romance, don’t let that fool you. There are just as many cheesy pick-up lines in French as there are in English. We already know how the French feel about cheese.

But flirting in a foreign language can be challenging, especially when using pick-up lines, one-liners, and compliments. They either work wonders or fail miserably. They can be funny and witty or the complete opposite.

However, if you can make someone laugh or smile with them, they can be a great icebreaker and funny conversation starters.

Let’s improve your French flirting mojo with this list of cheesy, flirty, and a few dirty French pick-up lines, compliments, and one-liners with English translations. 

For some, they’re ridiculously bad; for others, they’re so bad they’re good, but they’re all really funny and sometimes cringy.

Flirting In French with French pick-up lines

To avoid any unwanted confrontations, it’s important to familiarize yourself with some basic flirting vocabulary. For instance, if someone says, “Arrête de draguer ma sœur,” stop hitting on my sister; you need to know the meaning of the word “draguer” so you can back off and avoid any misunderstanding.                                                      

Let’s start with the most obvious ones; then, we’ll move on to the list of pick-up lines and one-liners. 

To flirt, hit on, or pick-up or someone.

Draguer /Drag-Ey/ 

This is a verb that means to hit on someone. 

Pick-up lines.

Phrases de drague: Literally mean phrases for hitting on someone.
Phrases d’accroche pour draguer: Literally means hook phrases for hitting on someone.

To hit on a man or woman.

Draguer un home: To hit on a man
Draguer une femme: To hit on a woman

To flirt with a man or woman.

Flirter /Flur-tey/ is the French verb for “to flirt,” borrowed from the English language somewhere around the late 18th century. 

Flirter avec un homme: To flirt with a man
Flirter avec une femme: To flirt with a woman

Approach a man or woman. 

“Aborder une femme or un home” are French phrases that mean to approach a man or woman and start a conversation using icebreakers or one-liners. 

Aborder une femme: To approach a woman
Aborder un home: To approach a man

On to the list.  Get ready to charm your way through French conversations!

Flirty French compliments

 If you’re someone who likes to flatter people, then you know that flattery goes a long way.

Here are some easy one-liner compliments to break the ice.

1) You’re to die for / You’re drop-dead gorgeous.

Tu es à tomber

This playful phrase literally means “you’re to fall for.” It’s an informal way to suggest that someone is so stunning that they make others feel like they’re about to fall for them.

2) You are handsome/charming. 

  • Tu es charmant: You are charming (This French compliment suggests someone is not only good-looking but also has a charming personality.)
  • Tu es beau: You are handsome
  • Tu es très beau mec: You are a handsome guy /dude. 

3) You are beautiful / You are gorgeous.

  • Tu es belle: You are beautiful
  • Tu es magnifique: You are magnificent (but idiomatically, it can mean you are gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, etc.)

4) I think that you are very pretty.

Je pense que tu es très jolie.

5) How cute you are?

  • Comme tu es mignon!  (Say to him)
  • Comme tu es mignonne !  (Say to her)

6) You have a beautiful smile. 

  • Tu as un beau sourire: You have a nice smile.
  • Salut, ça va? Tu as un beau sourire: Hi there, you have a nice smile.

7) I like your style; you have good taste.

 J’aime bien ton style, je trouve que tu as vraiment du goût.

8) I love your eyes.

  • J’aime tes yeux: I like your eyes.
  • J’adore tes yeux: I adore your eyes. 
  • J’adore tes yeux bleu: I love your blue eyes.

9) I like your haircut.

J’adore ta coupe de cheveux.

10) I really like the way you think; I like you.

J’aime beaucoup ta façon de penser, tu me plais. 

11) I love talking with you.

J’adore parler avec toi.

12) I find you interesting.

  • Say to a woman: Je te trouve très intéressante.
  • Say to a man: Je te trouve très intéressant.

13) You are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.

  • Say to woman: Tu es aussi belle à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur.
  • Say to man: Tu es aussi beau à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur.

14) I really love your witty humour.

J’aime tellement ton humour intelligent.

Straightforward and direct pick-up lines

Not quite pick-up lines, these flirty French phrases are direct and to the point. 

15) Hey, my name is (XX), and you?

Salut! Je m`apelle (XX) et toi?

16) Are you single? 

  • Formal: Êtes-vous célibataire?
  • Informal: Es-tu célibataire?

17) Are you seeing someone?

Sors-tu avec quelqu’un ? 

18) Are you in love at the moment?

Est-ce que tu es amoureuse en ce moment?

19) Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?

  • Say to a woman: As-tu un petit copain? or Tu as un petit ami?
  • Say to a man: As-tu un petite copine? or Tu as une petite amie?

20) Can I buy you a drink?

  • Formal: Je peux vous offrir un verre?
  • Informal: Je peux t’offrir un verre?

21) Hello (or good evening), what are you drinking?

  • Formal: Bonjour /Bonsoir. Qu’est-ce que vous buvez?
  • Informal: Bonjour /bonsoir. Qu’est-ce que tu bois?

22) Do you want to go out with me?

Tu veux sortir avec moi?

23) I would like to invite you to dinner.

  • Formal: J’aimerais vous inviter à dîner.
  • Informal: J’aimerais t’inviter à dîner.

Medical pick-up lines

cheesy French pick up lines: doctor

24) Can you take me to the doctor? I just broke my leg, falling for you.

Est-ce que tu peux me conduire chez le docteur ? Je viens juste de me casser la jambe en tombant pour toi.

25) I think I need to see an eye doctor because my eyes can only focus on you.

je pense que je dois voir un opticien. Parce que mes yeux ne peuvent se concentrer que sur toi.

Funny, Cheesy French pick-up lines

Super Cheesy French pickup lines that are so bad they're good

On to the good stuff. Break out the cheese knife cause it’s going to get really cheesy here. 

26) What a beautiful smile! Can you do it again, please? 

Quel beau sourire! “Peux-tu le refaire s’il te plaît?

27) Can I call you Cookie? Because I find you irresistible.

Est-ce que je peux t’appeler Biscotte? Parce que ie te trouve craquante. 

28) I just realized that you look a lot like my next boyfriend/girlfriend.

Je viens de me rendre compte que tue ressembles beaucoup à mon prochain petit ami / petite amie

29) Without you, life would be like Christmas without foie gras.

Sans toi la vie serait comme un Noël sans foie gras.

Foie gras is almost an essential French food for Christmas and New Year’s. 

Related: French New Year’s Eve Food Traditions: Is It Too Weird For You?

30) The only thing your eyes don’t tell me is your name.

La seule chose que tes yeux ne me disent pas, c’est ton nom.

31) This morning, I searched for the definition of the word ‘Magnificent,’ and I found a picture of you in the dictionary.”

Aujourd’hui , j’ai cherché la définition du mot “Magnifique” et j’ai trouvé une photo de toi dans le dictionnaire.

You can swap out the word magnifique with any word, belle, beau, beauté, etc. 

32) I hope your day was as beautiful as you.

J’espère que ta journée a été aussi belle que toi.

33) You must be really tired because you’ve been trotting around in my head all day!

Tu dois vraiment être fatiguée, parce que tu trottes dans ma tête toute la journée!

34) Are you a banker because you have my interest?

Est-ce que tu es un prêt bancaire parce que tu mon intérêt!

Cute pick-up lines but still cheesy

Cute pick up lines

35) You dropped something… your smile and my heart.

Tu as fait tomber quelque chose…ton sourire et mon cœur.

36) If your heart stops beating one day, I’ll give you mine because, without you, it’s of no use to me.

Si un jour ton cœur ne bat plus, je te donnerai le mien, car sans toi, il me sert à rien.

37) You’re so pretty; I forgot my pick-up line.

Tu es tellement jolie que j’ai oublié ma phrase de drague. 

38) Me without you is like an ocean without water.

Moi sans toi, c’est comme un océan sans eau.

39) Me without you is like Romeo without Juliet.

Moi sans toi, c’est comme Roméo sans Juliette.

40) I’m usually an excellent swimmer; I don’t understand why I’m drowning in your eyes.

En temps normal je suis un très bon nageur, mais là je ne comprends pas je me noie dans tes yeux.

41) Are you a magician? Every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.

Est-ce que tu es magicien/magicienne? À chaque fois que je te regarde, tous les autres disparaissent.

40) I must be in a museum because you are an actual work of art.

Je dois sûrement me trouver dans un musée parce que tu es une vraie œuvre d’art.

42) Excuse me, I’m lost. Can you tell me the way to your heart?

Excuse moi, je suis perdu, tu peux m’indiquer le chemin qui mène à ton coeur?

43) Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I need to pass a second time?

Est-ce que tu crois au coup de foudre ou dois-je repasser devant une deuxième fois

Heavenly pick-up lines

Flirting in French with heavenly pickup lines

44) Didn’t you get hurt when you fell from heaven?

Tu n’as pas eu mal quand tu es tombée du ciel?

45) Do you believe in God? Because you are the answer to all my prayers.

Est-ce que tu crois en Dieu ? Parce que tu es la réponse à toutes mes prières.

46) I would say, “God bless you,” but it seems to me that he already did that. 

Je te dirais bien “Que Dieu te bénisse” mais il me semble qu’Il l’a déjà fait !

Cheesy “your father” pick-up lines

dirty flirty French pick up lines

47) Do you want to know why I’m following you? It’s because my father always told me to follow my dreams.

Tu veux savoir pourquoi je te suis? C’est parce que mon père m’a toujours dit de poursuivre mes rêves.

48) Your father is a thief. He stole all the stars in the sky to put them in your eyes.

Ton père est un voleur, il a volé toutes les étoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux.

49) Is your father a farmer? Because you’re a beautiful little hen/bird.

Ton père est pas fermier ? Parce que t’es une belle petite poule.

50) Is your father a locksmith? Because I believe he gave you the keys to my heart

Ton père serait pas serrurier ? Parce que je crois qu’il t’a donné les clés de mon coeur.

Pick-up lines to ask for someone’s phone number

Flirting in French: Asking for someone's phone number

51) Can you take a look at my cell phone? I have a problem; it’s missing your number.

Tu peux jeter un œil à mon portable. J’ai un problème ! Il manque ton numéro.

52) My friends call me (your first name), but you can call me tonight!

Mes amis m’appellent (name) mais tu peux m’appeler ce soir !

53) Can I have your number? I just realized that I forgot mine.

Je peux avoir ton numéro? Je viens de me rendre compte que j’ai oublié le mien.

54) What’s your 06 / Can I get your digits?

Quel est ton 06? 

Asking for someone’s 06 is a playful way to ask for someone’s cell phone number. 

In France, mobile phone numbers used to all have the 06 prefix. Now there is 07. It’s a little like the American expression “give me the 411,” which means give me the lowdown. 411 used to be the directory assistance number you would call to get someone’s contact information. 

Naughty and dirty French pick-up lines

pushy, naughty, dirty French pick up lines

If you’re a 14-year-old boy or curious about learning some naughty pick-up lines, try these, but watch out; they might get you into some deep trouble.

There is a French idiom to “flirt like an ox” (Draguer comme un beauf), which implies someone who flirts like a redneck using uncultured or unsophisticated techniques. 

And please don’t ever say “Voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir?” (Do you want to sleep (make love) with me tonight?) 

55) Your legs are pretty… They open at what time?

Elles sont jolies tes jambes… Elles ouvrent à quelle heure?

56) Your place or mine?

On va chez toi ou chez moi?

57) I dream of soaking my baguette in your soup.

Je rêve de tremper ma baguette dans ta soupe.

58) Excuse me, do you kiss strangers?

Excuse-moi. Est-ce que tu embrasses les inconnus? 

59) You smell good; I want to lick you everywhere.

Tu sens bon, j’ai envie de te lécher partout.

60) Is that a sausage in your pocket? Or are you just glad to see me?

C’est un saucisson dans ta poche où t’est juste content de me voir?

61) There, in your pocket, is that your revolver, or are you just happy to see me?

Là, dans ta poche, c’est ton revolver où t’est juste content de me voir?

62) If being sexy were a crime, you would be guilty.

 Si être sexy était un crime, vous seriez coupable

63) Did you just come out of the oven because you’re hot?

Est-ce que tu sors juste du four parce que tu es chaud(e)!

64) I need mouth-to-mouth because I just drowned in your gaze.

J’ai besoin d’un bouche à bouche car je viens de me noyer dans ton regard.

65) I have trouble sleeping alone. Do you want to keep me company?

J’ai du mal à dormir seul(e), est-ce que tu as envie de me tenir compagnie?

66) If I teach you English, will you teach me how to French kiss?

Si je t’aide à apprendre l’anglais, est-ce que tu m’apprendras comment embrasser à la française?

67) I’ve just arrived in the city. Could you tell me how to get to your apartment?

Je viens d’arriver dans ta ville. Est-ce- que tu pourrais m’indiquer le chemin jusqu’à ton appartement?

Will these French pick-up lines work?

A pick-up line is an ice breaker, a conversation starter that is usually meant to be flirty or complimentary but also funny.

So, will these cheesy French phrases and pick-up lines work?

Your guess is as good as mine. Most of my female French friends say no; they don’t.

You’ll never know for sure until you try. 

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Annie André

Annie André

About the author

I'm Annie André, a bilingual North American with Thai and French Canadian roots. I've lived in France since 2011. When I'm not eating cheese, drinking wine or hanging out with my husband and children, I write articles on my personal blog for intellectually curious people interested in all things France: Life in France, travel to France, French culture, French language, travel and more.

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